Abstracts must be delivered to Phillip Sanderson, ICHC Publications Committee, at phil@philsanderson.com, by May 1. 2025.
Ce sera à la Chaussée Saint-Victor, juste à côté de Blois du 22 au 25 mai 2025. Voir en français dans l’agenda.
Il n’est pas précisé si l’on peut soumettre en français mais les fois précédentes c’était le cas. Voir en fin d’article.
Je vous met ici le courrier en entier :
The 34th International Cycling History Conference (ICHC) will be held in La Chaussée-Saint-Victor, France, 22-25 May, 2025. La Chuassée-Saint-Victor, is a commune in the center Loire Valley and part of UNESCO’s Val de Loire World Heritage site. La Chaussée, thought to refer to an ancient Roman road, was a hamlet of the village of Saint Victor, named after a hermit who lived there until he was consecrated Bishop of Le Mans in about 525. Successive flooding of the Loire forced villagers of Saint Victor to move up the hillside into the hamlet of La Chaussée. During the French Revolution, the commune took the name La Chaussée Saint-Victor. Sights include the Church of Saint Victor, which dates from the 15th century, was enlarged in 1663 and 1700, and almost entirely rebuilt in the 19th century, and the Parc des Mées. A number of significant Chateaux are within easy visiting distance, including the Chateau de Blois, the Chateau de Chambord, the Chateau de Cheverny, and the Chateau de Chaumont. The region also boast a number of interesting gardens. Also, La Chaussée-Saint-Victor is crossed by the cyclotourist route La Loire à Vélo, an 800km course connecting Cuffy (near Nevers) to St. Brévin-les-Pins (Loire Atlantique),
The ICHC, founded in 1990, provides a forum for the presentation of various aspects of the history of cycles and cycling in a friendly atmosphere that encourages discussions between presenters and other conference participants. Conferences are held once a year. The 2025 Conference will consist of four days of presentations, the conference room being sponsored by Union Velocipede Belle Eloquenz (UVBE), with a gala dinner at a restaurant in Blois planned for Thursday, since most restaurants are closed on Sunday. Thus, the program will be:
Thursday, 22 May: 9 am-10am arrival, opening; 10:30 am presentation of papers, lunch, presentation of papers till 4pm, gala dinner (included ) in Le Castelet in Blois (going there by bus);
Friday, 23 May: 9 am presenting of papers, lunch in the boulangerie or elsewhere (not included) afternoon: presenting of papers;
Saturday, 24, May: 9 am presenting of papers, lunch in the boulangerie or elsewhere (not included) afternoon: presenting of papers;
Sunday, 25 May: 9 am presenting of papers, lunch in the boulangerie or elsewhere (not included) afternoon: presenting of papers, end of the conference.
Conference fees are : 170 € for participants (covering the dinner and a copy of the Proceedings), or 70 € for accompanying partners (covering the dinner). Participants are responsible for lodging and other meals. For further information contact Robert Hummel robertjohanbumblebee@yahoo.com.
Call for Papers : All persons with a story to tell relating to some historical aspect of bicycles or cycling are invited to submit an abstract of their story to the 34th ICHC Program Committee to be reviewed and considered for presentation at the 34th ICHC. Presentations are to be prepared in Microsoft’s Power Point (.ppt or .pptx) format. Each speaker will have 30 minutes for their presentation; in keeping with the purpose of the Conference, it is recommended that all presenters use about 20 minutes of their time for their presentation and leave about 10 minutes for « Questions and Answers » with the audience. Additional time for discussion of presentations is provided by Coffee Breaks and Lunch Times that are part of the Conference.
For consideration by the Publications Committee, abstracts must be delivered to Phillip Sanderson, ICHC Publications Committee, at phil@philsanderson.com, by May 1. 2025. Persons who submit abstracts will be notified about acceptance within 10 business days of receipt of the abstract by the Program Committee. It is expected that presenters will follow up with a formal paper in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format to be delivered to the Publications Committee, at phil@philsanderson.com, as soon as possible after the conference , but not later than June 26, 2025, for publication in the Conference Proceedings. All illustrations for the paper must be submitted as individual image files with a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch (DPI), to assure crisp clean reproduction in print.
Dernière : j’ai attiré l’attention des organisateurs sur la faible pratique de l’anglais en France. D’ailleurs nous avions eu le problème aux 3 conférences déjà organisées en France (voir Conférence internationale d’histoire du cycle dans l’agenda). Il est donc proposé que les francophones puissent présenter en français, à condition qu’ils aient des images à projeter (sommaire, points essentiels, légendes…) en anglais. Ça me paraît un bon compromis que j’ai donc accepté en votre nom.